pyc bel canto singers singer hub

2024-2025 season calendar

For PYC Bel Canto Singers

How to use the calendar:

  • Use the < > symbols to pass between months

  • Hover your mouse over the day of the event for a summary

  • Click on the day of the event for everything you need to know for that particular day:

    • information on the event itself, how to dress, when to arrive, and what to expect

parent/student handbook 2024-2025

2024-2025 Season handbook by Pittsburgh Youth Chorus

each PYC family is required to thoroughly read, understand, and adhere to the handbook

You may access the handbook by clicking through the < > symbols on the embedded version to the left or click the button below to have a downloaded version.

Please refer to this handbook for any questions you may have.

Absences will ONLY be accepted by emailing the Program Manager, Nicol Lachimia Wilzer, at

performance attire

uniform ordering instructions

This new uniform makes ordering easier for parents, easier for families to acquire, and hopefully somewhat less expensive. All members of Bel Canto Singers, Talisman, Troubadour, and the high school ensembles, Bridge City Singers/Headwaters, are required to have a performance uniform.

*Members are responsible for ordering their own uniforms independently with the uniform company.

Most garments are currently IN STOCK and ship within 1 - 2 days after the order is placed; however, you are encouraged to place your order ASAP as the global supply chain remains fragile, and unexpected delays may affect delivery timeframes.

Thank you.

formal uniform

Concert Attire Option A

Style 9782AA-E Performance Knit Blouse from

$31 (additional $5 for some sizes) + shipping and handling

Style 516FAAE Ladies Palazzo Pant from

$32 (additional $5.00 for some sizes) + shipping and handling

Must be hemmed to 1′′ off the floor in flats (please note, PYC can no longer offer hemming service. Please plan to have your palazzo pants hemmed if needed).


Black, closed-toe ballet-style dress shoes or other black flat dress shoes.

Concert Attire Option B

Style 2109BK - Unisex Black Dress Shirt from

$16 + shipping and handling

8261RA-E1 Adult Royal Satin Windsor Tie from

Color: Royal Blue

$12 (additional $5.00 for some sizes)+ shipping and handling


Plain front black dress pants, available in retail sites or Dockers brand at Kohl’s or similar stores. Pants to be worn with a black belt.


Black socks with black dress shoes

The completed look!

rehearsal/casual performance uniform

For casual performances, the PYC blue polo shirt is worn with plain black pants, black socks or black knee highs/tights, and flat black dress shoes. For weekly rehearsals, the expectation is for singers to arrive wearing their polo shirts (singers may wear regular pants or slacks i.e., school clothes, or shorts when weather appropriate). Black slacks are only required for the occasion of a casual performance when formal attire is not requested.

All members of Bel Canto Singers, Talisman, and Troubadour are required to have a PYC polo shirt to wear to weekly rehearsals (one per choir the child participates in throughout their time at PYC). New singers will receive a complimentary polo shirt upon enrolment. If a family must purchase a polo at any other time, they are generally in stock through the PYC Office and may be purchased for $20 by contacting Nicol Lachimia Wilzer, Program Manager, at or 412-281-4790.

The completed look for casual performances!

rehearsal tracks & video links

It’s A Grand Night For Singing

You’ve Got a Friend in Me


Grow Little Tree

Selections from Mama Mia

A Million Dreams

Homeward Bound

Amazing Grace

Come Down From the Mountain

My Favorite Things

Fairest Lady