pyc’s choral education philosophy
At PYC, we believe that singing can change lives and change the world. While learning to read written music and skillfully use their voice, young people blossom as musicians and as individuals who are more confident, resilient, and prepared to rise to life’s challenges. Furthermore, singing in a choir can inspire greater sensitivity and empathy, an appreciation for diversity, and a deepened sense of community.
PYC’s educational practice harnesses the time-tested music-learning methods developed by Hungarian composer, Zoltán Kodály. The Kodály Method presents musical skills in a highly structured sequence informed by research in child development and natural language learning. As a child develops physically, socially, emotionally, and intellectually, they also develop musically in the acquisition of increasingly complex skills and more involved concepts.
The musical “tools” used at PYC include solfége (do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do), Curwin hand signs, rhythmic syllables, and a movable “do” system. Using these tools, PYC singers begin with simple skills and sequentially move to those that are more complex, always building on the foundations laid in the beginning. Just like learning to speak, walk, or ride a bike, once a concept or skill is learned, repetition allows the singer to assimilate it into their physical and cognitive domains, making it second nature.
With each layer of mastered skills and concepts, the singers grow their capacity to deliver a captivating performance and connect with their peers and audience through the joy of singing. And therein lies the true magic PYC – bonds between the young singers that rise from making music together, transforming the act of making music into a powerful and meaningful experience.
Because PYC believes that music and singing is a gift to be enjoyed by all, we are committed to making our choral education programs accessible and inclusive to all children. Parents of a child with special needs are encouraged to contact Lee Saville-Iksic prior to registration or look into our Cantate choir.