pyc training choir singer hub

Here you’ll find information on the training choir calendar of events, performance attire, parent/student handbook, & more!

2024-2025 season calendar

For PYC Training Choirs

How to use the calendar:

  • Use the < > symbols to pass between months

  • Hover your mouse over the day of the event for a summary

  • Click on the day of the event for everything you need to know for that particular day:

    • information on the event itself, how to dress, when to arrive, and what to expect

parent/student handbook 2024-2025

2024-2025 Season handbook by Pittsburgh Youth Chorus

each PYC family is required to thoroughly read, understand, and adhere to the handbook

Please refer to this handbook for any questions you may have.

You may access the handbook by clicking through the < > symbols on the embedded version to the left or click the button below to have a downloaded version.

Absences will ONLY be accepted by emailing the Program Manager, Nicol Lachimia Wilzer, at

performance attire

For the Winter and Spring Concerts, NTC singers wear:

NTC blue t-shirt that PYC gives you, black pants, black socks, black dress shoes (black shoes) 

rehearsal tracks & music

Winter Bells Across the Snow

Sing-A-Long Practice Track