tuition, financial assistance, & payment options

Rates reflect joining in September 2025 for September 2025-May 2026 participation.

PYC's programs are tuition-based. The cost of tuition is significant, but the value of participating in our programs is also quite substantial.

Scroll down to learn about our tuition assistance options as well as everything that is included in a PYC education.

If you find that the price point is cost-prohibitive to your singer's participation, we encourage you to complete our tuition assistance application (more information below). We will never turn away a singer for financial reasons.

payment options

  • The simplest way to pay tuition is to make a one-time payment during your initial registration.

  • If selecting this option, you will set up a recurring credit card payment after you register. We will track your payments for you and turn off recurring payments after your balance has been fulfilled.

Before you look at tuition, please be sure you have familiarized yourself with what program your child is most likely to be placed in.

PYC employs a pre-set income-based sliding-scale tuition structure for the purpose of offering tuition assistance. Families with a household income under $100,000 are eligible to use the sliding scale. Only a short, easy-to-complete application is required to receive income-based tuition assistance.

After the tuition assistance deadline, awards will be made in accordance with the needs of applicants and the funds available.

tuition remission through aramark

In addition to our Tuition Assistance application program, families can choose to participate in tuition remission through Aramark.

how to apply for tuition assistance

  • STEP 1:

    Register for an NTC location of your choice

    STEP 2:

    Once you have submitted your registration form, you may fill out our easy tuition assistance application HERE. You do not need to submit any financial documents.

    STEP 3:

    Wait to pay until you receive an email from a PYC staff member with your tuition assistance award and payment options.

  • STEP 1:

    Sign up for and complete a placement session.

    STEP 2:

    Register for the PYC choir your singer has been placed in using the registration link we will email you after your placement session is complete.

    STEP 3:

    Once you have submitted your registration form, you may fill out our easy tuition assistance application HERE.

    You do not need to submit any financial documents.

    STEP 4:

    Wait to pay until you receive an email from a PYC staff member with your tuition assistance award and payment options.

tuition assistance

what is included in the pyc experience?

Depending on the level of programming, PYC singers are afforded anywhere from 30 to 100+ hours of choral music education and performance experience, including:

  • Ear-training and music literacy

  • Healthy vocal production and vital breathing skills

  • Singing in multiple languages

  • Learning music from a wide range of cultures, time periods, and geographic locations

  • Forming relationships with young people from other school districts

  • Musical guidance and leadership from caring and accomplished music educators

  • At least two major performance opportunities per year

  • Extramusical skills, such as confidence, poise, self-discipline, critical thinking, and teamwork

  • Learning from other more experienced PYC singers during combined rehearsals and performances

In addition to the benefits listed above, singers in our core performance choirs (grades 4-12) receive the following benefits:

  • Opportunities to work with a different Artist-In-Residence every season

  • Special performances for community events, festivals, and celebrations

  • The chance to be selected for collaboration with professional arts organizations

  • Older singers (grades 5-12) are invited to travel for special performances and trips

  • Interested singers are often referred for solo singing engagements for agencies throughout the region.

pyc’s family sponsorship program

PYC's commitment to make our programs affordable to ALL is possible thanks to donations made by individuals, including enrolling PYC families. We welcome and appreciate donations of any size made during the enrollment process. Additionally, we encourage families with the means to do so to consider becoming a Family Sponsor by making use of the optional contributory price points built into the enrollment process. To learn more about our Family Sponsor program, CLICK HERE.